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Soloperformance 2021 | Bestand  | Sophienspital | Vienna

Fibers go through gates


40:00 minutes

Soloperformance: Anne Schmidt

Stage: Marei Buhmann

Text: Luca Perfahl

Sound: Philipp Pettauer

Video: Lydia Knöbl

Language: German


In her solo performance Fasern gehen durch Pforten, Anne Schmidt differentiates speech posture, gesture, emotion and physical expression from one another by linking them to contrasting contexts. The performer skillfully brings the ability to decouple figure from context and action to the stage. In seventeen scenes she speaks a textual assemblage of discourse particles, speculative fictions and documentary fragments. She avoids the identification and psychologization of a character suggested in the play and draws on a variety of imagined object-actors* in her piece. In doing so, an expanded concept of object is used, which also includes imagined subjects such as art figures.


scene five




Pretty post-apocalyptic here.


And she's wandering around disoriented and also a bit paranoid. Not alone. As if there's someone ghosting around next to her, watching her. How she walks down the streets. How she runs her fingers along the facades of the houses. She feels as if someone is trying to read her gestures. Like a tarot card deck. Like a coffee grounds. Like the lines of her hand. And she gets a little bit scared.

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